Foot Mobilisation Therapy
Your feet function at their peak when everything is in order.
FMT employs hands-on techniques that use gentle manipulations and gentle mobilizations specifically targeted at joints of the feet and legs to improve function and lessen discomfort.
The foot and ankle joints are examined to identify the common areas that are restricted. If you can identify the observed movement pattern, it’s then possible to gradually adjust or move the joint to restore the natural range of motion without limitation. If the normal limit is present for a long period and the reason is unclear, it could be due to insufficient control of muscles or ligaments. These factors are considered when your Podiatrist is working to bring back your ability.
If you have chronic issues, the first appointment block to improve joint mobility and function will be suggested before introducing exercises that will strengthen your foot for long-term treatment. Using manipulations and techniques to strengthen your foot can be very beneficial.
Our Podiatrists are happy to explore the various ways to ensure that our patients receive top-quality outcomes. FMT can be used with other treatments, including guidance on strengthening footwear and stretching exercises, orthotics, dry Strapping, and needling.